Coloday Capsule
A remarkable source of nutrients, antibodies, and growth
factors, making it vital for the immunity and development.
The unique composition of Coloday not only supports the
immune defense but also contributes to gut health and
overall growth. Coloday provides a wealth of antibodies,
growth factors, and nutrients. It contains immunoglobulins
that are key to maintaining a healthy immune system and
promoting overall well-being. Coloday is rich in immune
factors, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, providing
support for growth, development, and immune defense.
Coloday is the original superfood, brimming with life-
supporting and health-promoting components that provide a
foundation for lifelong wellness.
Contains Bioactive Components with Immune Enhancing
Properties :
For Immune Function in health and Disease:
Beneficial in reducing the number of upper respiratory tract infections and diarrhoeal episodes in children.
For Skin:
Helps to reduce the risk of excessive melanin formation causing skin hyperpigmentation disorders.
For HumanGastrointestinal (GI) Health and Disease:
➤ Alters gut microbiome as well as improves healing.
➤ Shows therapeutic potential for a variety of GI conditions including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) gut injury, short bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.
Clinical Applications:
➤ Viral Infections
➤ Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases
➤ Heart Diseases
➤ Cancer
➤ Diabetes
➤ Leaky Gut Syndrome
➤ Weight loss Progresses
➤ Wound Healing
➤ Athletic Stress
➤ Antioxidant
➤ Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Disorders
For Diabetes, Hypercholesterolemia & NAFLD:
Reduced raised glucose and lipids in type-2 diabetics, patients with hypercholesterolemia and/or patients suffering from NAFLD.
For Bone Density:
Increases the proliferation of cells involved in the bone formation such as osteoblasts.